
  • 造句1:麻与暴力的街区,如今成了作家们的聚集地,文学在贫困的土壤里扎根。
    英  文:The neighbourhoods of hemp and violence have now become a gathering place for writers, and literature has taken root in the soil of poverty.
  • 造句2:鲁迅毕竟是作家,比起鼓吹文学的现实的宣传意义,他更愿意描绘理想的文学前景。
    英  文:After all, Lu Xun is a writer. He is more willing to describe the ideal literary prospects than to advocate the realistic propaganda significance of literature.
  • 造句3:马克吐温是个出色的作家和演说家,也是个好丈夫和好父亲,但是他在经营商业上却一事无成。
    英  文:Mark Twain was an excellent writer and speaker, a good husband and father, but he did nothing in business.
  • 造句4:香港作家倪匡就替古龙代过笔,而且模仿得惟妙惟肖,活脱脱是古龙笔法。
    英  文:Hong Kong writer Nie Kuang wrote for Gulong, and imitated it vividly. Living is Gulong's brushwork.
  • 造句5:青年作家要虚心学习,不能目空一切,惟我独尊。
    英  文:Young writers should be open-minded in their studies and not be supercilious.
  • 造句6:霞光照在土地上,一轮红日挂在西方,我仿佛看到作家冰心描写霞光时那虔诚的目光,在这片土地上我收获,我成长。
    英  文:The sun is shining on the land and a round of red sun is hanging in the West. I seem to see the writer Bing Xin's devout eyes when describing the sun. In this land, I harvest and grow.
  • 造句7:陈景润是世界著名的数学家,鲁迅是一位世界著名的作家
    英  文:Chen Jingrun is a world famous mathematician, Lu Xun is a world famous writer.
  • 造句8:阿诺德罗宾斯,亚特兰大的人,是一个专业的程序员和技术作家
    英  文:Arnold Robbins, a native of Atlanta, is a professional programmer and technical writer.
  • 造句9:阎连科觉得童年、少年的记忆对一个作家很重要,他写过军事题材、写过农村题材,最得心应手的还是农村题材。
    英  文:Yan Lianke thinks that the memory of childhood and youth is very important to a writer. He has written about military subjects and rural subjects, and the most comfortable one is rural subjects.
  • 造句10:阅读了无数作家的文章,我恍然大悟:原来自由自在才是最快乐的。
    英  文:After reading countless articles, I suddenly realized that freedom is the happiest.
  • 造句11:金登身为作家和学者的丰富阅历,在这部重要的著作中体现得淋漓尽致。
    英  文:Kim Deng's rich experience as a writer and scholar is most vividly reflected in this important book.
  • 造句12:金登身为作家和学者的丰富阅历在这部重要的著作中体现得淋漓尽致。
    英  文:Kinden's rich experience as a writer and scholar is vividly reflected in this important work.
  • 造句13:那年夏天,我去乌克兰看望我的亲戚。我有幸参观了俄罗斯著名作家契诃夫在克里米亚半岛雅尔塔市的故居博物馆,收获颇丰。
    英  文:That summer, I went to Ukraine to see my relatives. I have the honor to visit the Museum of Chekhov's former residence in Yalta, Crimea Peninsula, where I have gained a lot.
  • 造句14:那位报纸专栏作家从不放过取笑市长的机会。
    英  文:The newspaper columnist never gave away the opportunity to make fun of the mayor.
  • 造句15:那位德国出生的摄影师受到了奥斯卡·王尔德等作家的敬重。
    英  文:The German born photographer was respected by Oscar and Wilde.
  • 造句16:那些作品鲜活、肉身更鲜活的人们称作家总感觉有几分稚嫩,有点为时过早吧。
    英  文:People who live and live more often say that writers always feel immature.
  • 造句17:那一年夏天,我赴乌克兰探亲,有幸在克里来亚半岛的雅尔塔市造访了著名的俄罗斯作家契诃夫的故居博物馆,收获颇丰。
    英  文:In the summer of that year, I went to Ukraine to visit my relatives. I was lucky to visit the Museum of Chekhov, the former residence of a famous Russian writer, in Yalta city of the Crimean Peninsula, and I got a lot.
  • 造句18:这部连续剧是根据那位作家的自传拍摄的。
    英  文:The serial play is based on the Autobiography of the writer.
  • 造句19:这箱不再是枯燥的理论书,而是一些作家的原著,美国作家的作品占了很大一部分。
    英  文:This box is no longer a dull theoretical book, but the original works of some writers, the works of American writers account for a large part.
  • 造句20:这样温暖和谐的家庭,世上虽不少见,但是在中国的女作家群里,冰心童年时代的处境,确实是难得的。
    英  文:Such a warm and harmonious family, although not uncommon in the world, but in the group of Chinese women writers, Bing Xin's childhood situation is indeed rare.
  • 造句21:这本书激发了作家和音乐家的灵感,就如同它对于逻辑实证主义的重要影响一样。
    英  文:The book inspired writers and musicians as much as it had an important impact on logical positivism.
  • 造句22:这本书是在加拿大出生的那位作家的最新作品。
    英  文:This book is the latest work of the writer who was born in Canada.
  • 造句23:这是女主人的女儿写给妈妈的,女儿从小受英语教育,是一位造诣和名声都很高的英语作家,曾荣获过联合国主办的英语校旱大奖。
    英  文:This is written by the daughter of the hostess to her mother, who was educated in English as a child. She is an accomplished and well-known English writer. She has won the English School Drought Award sponsored by the United Nations.
  • 造句24:这位著名的探险家向我指出,作家还非常准确地确定四十五年后要到达北极的远征队的出发地点。
    英  文:The famous explorer pointed out to me that the author was also very accurate in determining the place of departure of the expedition to the Arctic in forty-five years.
  • 造句25:这位著名的作家近几年来作品甚少。
    英  文:The famous writer has been working very little in recent years.
  • 造句26:这位老作家运用语言的功夫已达到得心应手的地步。
    英  文:The old writer has achieved his proficiency in the use of language.
  • 造句27:这位老作家并不老,他的打油诗仍然广为人知,受到大家的赞赏。
    英  文:This old writer is not old. His doggerel poems are still well known and appreciated by everyone.
  • 造句28:这位老作家宝刀不老,写出来的打油诗依然脍炙人口,人人欣赏。
    英  文:The old writer Baodao is not old, and his oil poems are still popular and appreciated by everyone.
  • 造句29:这位社会派作家在他的作品中,毫无保留地表现他对迫害者的深恶痛绝。
    英  文:In his works, the social writer unreservedly expresses his abhorrence of persecutors.
  • 造句30:这位法国作家对密码文件的兴趣很可能曾受到这篇小说对他所产生的强烈印象的激励。
    英  文:The French writer's interest in cryptographic documents was probably inspired by the strong impression the novel had on him.


1.治家,理家。 2.节俭。犹言做人家。 3.从事文学创作有成就的人。 4.佛教禅宗对善用机锋者之称。 5.行家;高手。

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