
  • 造句1:男人总是通过美化别人的老婆来折磨自己,女人总是通过永不停歇地“保养”来欺骗自己,少年总是通过故作叛逆来作践自己。
    英  文:Men always torture themselves by beautifying other people's wives, women always cheat themselves by constantly maintaining, and teenagers always cheat themselves by pretending to rebel.
  • 造句2:我还没见过一个孩子带着一副不得善终的脸,脸都是后来自己作践坏了的,人们多半不体会自己的脸对于别人发生多大的影响。
    英  文:I haven't seen a child with a face that is not easy to end up with. The face was damaged by his own practice. Most people don't realize how much his face affects others.
  • 造句3:心情再差你可以写在脸上,工作再累你可以抱怨,生命再短你可以随意作践,生活再苦你可以失去信念,前行再难你可以踯躅不前。
    英  文:The bad mood you can write on the face, work tired you can complain, life is short you can practice, life again bitter you can lose faith, you can not go ahead.
  • 造句4:工作再累,也不要抱怨,因为没有人无条件替你干,生命再短,也不要随意作践,因为没有人为你的健康买单。
    英  文:Don't complain when you are tired. No one can do it for you without any conditions. Life is too short to do anything because no one pays for your health.
  • 造句5:家里又不缺你这点钱,我也不是没给你钱,你犯得着作践自己吗?
    英  文:There's no shortage of your money at home. I didn't give you any money either. Do you have to abuse yourself?
  • 造句6:人生,就是一个修炼的过程,何必用这一颗不平的心,作践了自己,伤害了岁月。
    英  文:Life is a process of cultivation. Why use this uneven heart to practice oneself and hurt the years?



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