
  • 造句1:随着年龄增长,小小孩的顽皮也就逐渐发展成少年人的鬼脑筋,甚至是恶作剧
    英  文:As children grow older, their naughtiness gradually develops into teenagers'ghosts and even pranks.
  • 造句2:这封电报,特别是一个法国人打来的,可能是一个恶作剧
    英  文:This telegram, especially from a Frenchman, may be a prank.
  • 造句3:这家人也就老三稍微正常点,就是肚皮是黑的,喜欢恶作剧,你也小心点。
    英  文:This family is also a little normal, that is, the belly is black, like pranks, you should be careful.
  • 造句4:这位作家非常认真,他要证实原先无非是个恶作剧,但显然是一件可能作到的事情,巴比康必须提供证据,物理和数学将要助幻想的一臂之力。
    英  文:The writer is very serious. He wants to prove that it was no more than a prank, but it is obviously a possible thing to do. Babican must provide evidence. Physics and mathematics will help fantasy.
  • 造句5:走过学校旁边一个没有红绿灯的路口,我突然恶作剧一样横冲直闯,在一片刹车声中毫无耽搁地到达了马路对面。
    英  文:Passing a street without traffic lights near the school, I suddenly rushed like a prank and reached the opposite side of the road without delay amid the sound of brakes.
  • 造句6:谁也弄不清为什么大学生好像比任何人都更喜欢恶作剧
    英  文:No one knows why college students seem to prefer pranks to anyone else.
  • 造句7:见状不由恶作剧心起,又夹了一筷青菜给他,他的动作顿了顿,继续吃青菜。
    英  文:Unable to resist the prank, he was given a chopstick of vegetables. He paused and continued to eat them.
  • 造句8:范小路此刻本来是心惊肉战,但是一想到又是许辰的恶作剧时,那种害怕的感觉就一扫而光。
    英  文:Fan Xiaolu was frightened at the moment, but when he thought of Xu Chen's prank again, the feeling of fear disappeared.
  • 造句9:若是没有人来开门,孩子们也许会对这位邻居的家来个无伤大雅的恶作剧
    英  文:If no one opens the door, the children may play a harmless prank on the neighbor's house.
  • 造句10:男孩还在歪头和别人说话,嘴角却带上恶作剧得逞的笑意。
    英  文:The boy was still talking to others with his head tilted, but his mouth was filled with a laugh of pranks.
  • 造句11:爱玩闹的学生们举行聚会,制造各种恶作剧来庆祝毕业。
    英  文:Playful students hold parties and make mischievous jokes to celebrate their graduation.
  • 造句12:此时,大森林的大象王国里,小亚瑟正在搞一个恶作剧
    英  文:At this time, in the Elephant Kingdom of the Great Forest, Arthur Jr. was playing a prank.
  • 造句13:有一些喜欢恶作剧的孩子,路过的时候会突然冲进院子,每个水缸都搅一下,然后呼啸着跑走。
    英  文:Some kid who likes pranks will rush into the courtyard when they pass by, stir every water tank, and then run away whistling.
  • 造句14:最棒的恶作剧总是让人分不清合法与非法,阳春白雪和下里巴人,对与错的界限。
    英  文:The best pranks always confuse legitimacy with illegality, Yangchun Baixue and Loiba, the line between right and wrong.
  • 造句15:接了他的电话我才恍然大悟,原来是他朋友的恶作剧
    英  文:Only after receiving his phone call did I suddenly realize that it was his friend's prank.
  • 造句16:我转过脸,看着近在咫尺的元景的脸,突然起了心思,恶作剧的踮起脚尖,将吻落在他的脸狭边。
    英  文:I turned and looked at Yuan Jing's face, which was close at hand. Suddenly I thought, and the prankster stood on tiptoe and dropped the kiss on the narrow edge of his face.
  • 造句17:作剧的我已经失去了那一年的男子气概,成了一个女孩。
    英  文:I have lost the manliness of that year and become a girl.
  • 造句18:如果孩子们没有得到什么的话,他们就会搞恶作剧
    英  文:If the children don't get anything, they will play tricks.
  • 造句19:如果他们不给我们糖果,他们就会尝到我们恶作剧的滋味。
    英  文:If they don't give us candy, they will taste our pranks.
  • 造句20:可疑的行为:孩子们互相之间进行着残忍的恶作剧,并且嘲笑被吓到的孩子。
    英  文:Suspicious behavior: children play cruel tricks on each other, and laugh at children who are frightened.
  • 造句21:厉王闻听大怒,认为卞和以这种恶作剧的方式有意欺君,便下令砍去他的左足,同时逐出国都以示惩罚。
    英  文:Li Wang heard his anger and thought that Bian He had deliberately deceived the monarch in such a prank way. He ordered that his left foot be cut off and that he should be expelled to punish him.
  • 造句22:历史就是这样阴差阳错,种瓜得豆,永远上演的是荒诞剧和恶作剧
    英  文:History is such a mistake. It is absurd drama and mischief.
  • 造句23:几个顽皮学生故意恶作剧,弄得新来的马老师啼笑皆非。
    英  文:Several naughty students deliberately mischievously made the new teacher Ma laugh.
  • 造句24:凌晨三点钟,我忽然被闹钟惊醒,我知道这又是我小弟弟的恶作剧
    英  文:At three o'clock in the morning, I was suddenly awakened by the alarm clock. I knew it was my little brother's prank.
  • 造句25:冬天是一个性格乖戾的少年,时而温顺伶俐,时而搞些恶作剧
    英  文:Winter is a tough teenager. Sometimes he is gentle and clever. Sometimes he plays pranks.
  • 造句26:全校对这场疯狂的恶作剧的全部细节知道得一清二楚。
    英  文:The whole school knew all the details of the crazy joke.
  • 造句27:他否认打过恶作剧电话,但经过一番短暂的审讯后被判有罪。
    英  文:He denied making prank calls, but was convicted after a brief trial.
  • 造句28:今天,美国人和英国人在四月一日这一天对朋友们及陌生人搞恶作剧
    英  文:Today, Americans and Britons play tricks on friends and strangers on April 1.
  • 造句29:乔瑟夫觉得这次恶作剧妙不可言、也跟着爸爸一起大笑。
    英  文:Joseph thought the prank was wonderful and laughed with his father.
  • 造句30:为了防止水被弄浑,我们终日都坐在院子里,等待恶作剧的孩子。
    英  文:To prevent the water from getting muddy, we sat in the yard all day, waiting for the prankster children.


1.劳作勤苦。 2.戏弄,开玩笑。 3.表演戏术。

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