
  • 造句1:雨越下越大,卖糖炒栗子的妇女躲在屋檐下面,看这对男女在雨中追逐吵闹叫嚷最后又拥抱在一起,轻轻说,作孽作孽
    英  文:As the rain grew heavier and heavier, the woman selling fried chestnuts hid under the eaves. She watched the men and women chasing and shouting in the rain and finally hugged each other. She said softly, doing evil and doing evil.
  • 造句2:最有效的防范措施终于从白狼最早作孽的南原创造成功,人们在村庄四周点燃麦草,彻夜不熄。
    英  文:The most effective preventive measures were finally created from Nanyuan, where white wolves first committed crimes. People lit wheat straw around the village and stayed up all night.
  • 造句3:明明我知道是谎话,为什么还是要陪你一起演?陷进去了,蜕化穿真哭真爱。自作孽,不可活,大骂我自己活该。
    英  文:Obviously I know it's a lie. Why do I still want to play with you? Sink in, degenerate into true crying true love. I can't live without sin. I curse myself for deserting it.
  • 造句4:我想想,放你回乡去做坏事,作孽一生,尽人怨恨你,不如杀了你,为地方除一害。
    英  文:I want to think, let you go home to do bad things, do evil all your life, hate you all the people, it's better to kill you, eliminate a harm for the place.
  • 造句5:只要老鼠还在作孽,人们就会想方设法找个更好的捕鼠夹。
    英  文:As long as rats are still doing evil, people will try to find a better trap.


1.制造灾难。 2.引申指作乱,作恶。 3.谓遭罪受苦。

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